Tuxedo cats got their names due to their formal elegance and a beautiful combination of white fur and solid black coat. The white fur covers the chest, throat, belly, and paws of Tuxedo cats.
The white and the stark black markings make the tuxies resemble the formal wear of men. Moreover, the delighting presence of a black mustache adds dashing charm to some tuxedos.

Tuxedo cats usually wear a furry bowtie commonly called “black ties,” making these cats perhaps the most handsome among all cats.
People generally perceive this charming cat as a symbol of good fortune and lucky charm, particularly about wealth! So why not bring one if you want to be wealthy. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the charming tuxedo cats.
Is Tuxedo A Breed?
The answer is No. Tuxedo cats get their name from the color pattern they have. Besides white and black markings, tuxies can also have a ginger color and may also have a reverse color pattern that is black at the bottom and white on the top. Tuxedo is not a breed of cat; it’s a pattern of color.

The distinct bicolor marking is also called piebald, and it resembles Tuxedos. Some of the other breeds that can have tuxedo patterns are Persian, American shorthair, Scottish folds, Manx cats, Maine Coons, Cornish Rex, Munchkin, and many others.
So nearly any breed that has not a definitive coat color can be a tuxedo. So, what could be the cause of these bi-color coats in these cats? Scroll below to know the facts:
Genetics Is The Cause of The Coat Variation in Tuxedo Cats
Like the tortoiseshell and calico’s, Tuxedo cats have their dapper coats, thankfully because of their genetics.
For a long time, people believed that this bi-colored pattern in tuxedo cats is due to sluggish pigment cells that remained unable to reach the embryos’ whole body before its complete formation.

However, this long-accepted hypothesis has recently been debunked by another theory. Now researchers believe that these cells grow rapidly during the early developmental stages_ but they don’t follow a piece of particular genetic information regarding the coat color.
The most common color patterns of tuxedo cats are:
- Van pattern: generally white coat but only the tail and head have black markings.
- Cow pattern: Predominantly white cats with patches and black spots on the torso.
- Locket pattern: generally black with white patches on the tummy or chest.
- Mask and mantle pattern: the top of the body is black, while the underside is white.
Tuxedo Cat Personality
These guards are highly intelligent, extremely active, and have a very friendly nature. They usually enjoy using loud vocalizations to communicate. Tuxedos are less vocal than Siamese cats but more when compared to the Persian breed.

These cats are affectionate and smart, and they enjoy the company of their owner and cuddle in their lap. Because they have a friendly nature, they quickly get along with other pets in the home. Like dogs, they can also follow you around your house.
Due to their smart and intelligent nature, tuxedos had been owned by many famous personalities such as Beethoven and William Shakespeare, Sir Isaac Newton. Who knows, they got the intelligence from their so famous scientist owners.
Some Facts Related To The History Of Tuxedo Cats
Ancient Egyptians worship cats as dogs. Egyptians were highly revered and even depicted their Goddesses as cats. For this reason, cats were a part of some important places like royal tombs, hieroglyphics, and goldsmithing. But the fact worthy of mentioning here is that 70 percent of these cats were tuxedo cats.

Other Facts About The Tuxedo Cats:
- Tuxedo cats can be female or male.
- As tuxedos can be from any breed, so is their variation in their sizes. They can weigh from 6 to 16 pounds. They can be either longhaired or shorthaired.
- Most tuxedo cats have green eyes, which shows that the genes involved in giving them the tuxedo pattern are also connected to their eyes’ green color. Their green-colored eyes stand out when they are black-faced especially.

- Tuxedos usually have long life spans; they can live as long as 15 years of age- especially if they reside as pets.
- Some famous historically presented cats from fiction were the tuxedos. To name a few, these were; Felix, Dr. Suess’ the cat in the hat, and from the looney tunes was the Sylvester cat.
- Socks was a famous tuxedo cat whose owner was Bill Clinton. Socks was known to be the administration’s first cat.
Now, as you know about the tuxedo cats and planning to bring one to your home, you need to take care of them in the best way.
Tuxedo Cats Health Problems
Potential health issues among Tuxedo cats vary as they come from different breeds. However, some conditions are common to all felines. Cancer is the top list holder for older cats, so pay keen observation if you see any lumps or skin issues. One of the most common cancers in cats is lymphoma.

The second important health issue is diabetes. Cats that are overweight, older, and usually males are more prone to get diabetes.
When cats fight, they can contract the Feline Immunodeficiency virus from each other. So ensure there is no threatening feline in your Tuxedo cats surrounding.

Feline leukemia virus causes immune system damage making the cats more prone to other diseases like blood cancer. It would be best if you vaccinated your cat to avoid the risks.
To make your cat live a healthy, long life, ensure a balanced, high-quality diet, keep your furry friend active, provide plenty of exercise and rest. Keep a regular check on your buddy’s health; you can ensure it through regular check-ups from a vet.
Tuxedo Cat Lifespan
The lifespan of tuxedo cats depends on the breed of the cat. Generally, cats that are kept indoors live about 17 years or even older. While the lifespan of outdoor cats, on average, is three to five years.
How long tuxedo cats live is dependent on whether they are indoors or outdoors, but generally, the average lifespan of a tuxedo cat is between 12-18 years.
Breeds of Tuxedo Cats
There are several breeds of tuxedo cats. Some of these breeds include; Maine Coon, British Shorthair, Turkish Angora, American Shorthair, Cornish Rex, and Oriental shorthair. Here is a really nice article with 10 black and white cat breeds that have these tuxedo markings.
Feeding Your Tuxedo Cat
Feeding advice for your tuxedo cat depends on the type of breed you have. But as a rule of thumb for all felines, you have to choose between dry and wet food types. Sometimes you can offer a combination of both.
Another great option is the use of raw food diet, but you need to be careful that the nutritional balance you are providing your feline is correct. If you are not sure about it, it is always better to discuss it with a veterinary nutritionist.

Diet may vary depending upon your cat’s age, activity levels, metabolic rate, etc. Ensure that your tuxedo cat is getting a nutritious, balanced diet to stay healthy.
Cats are carnivores and rely on animal products for their nutrients. For healthy body functions, meat serves as an essential protein source.

Always check on the quantity of food; if the food intake is excessive, it can cause obesity and other health issues in your feline. Also, don’t cut on the food that much so that the cat becomes underweight and weak.
Provide access to fresh, clean water all the time to your feline to quench their thirst. Especially for those cats that are on a dry food diet as their food is deficient in moisture.
Care For Your Tuxedo Cat
Looking after tuxedos takes the same attention as other felines do. At a very young age of the cat, make sure you spay or neuter them. It helps to avoid future issues of aggression, unwanted litter, and marking territories.
IF you live in an apartment, it would be a sensible approach to keep your cat indoors. Contrarily, if you reside in a suburban part of the area, allowing the cat to go outside would be fine.

Outdoor movement makes the cats active, allows them to exercise opportunities, and stimulates their mental health. On the other hand, if your cat is an indoor resident, it can be harder for you to come up for their playtime sessions.
A common problem with the outdoor cats is their unwanted hunting of wildlife and bringing surprise “presents” home. To avoid that, restrict their movement during high wildlife activity times- in particular dawn and dusk. You can use a quick-release collar that will warn the wildlife that a predator is on its way.
Grooming Your Tuxedo Cat
To keep your cat in good condition, you must work on their grooming needs. Some tuxedo cats can be long-haired or short-haired, so looking after the coat also depends on the length.

Their color pattern does not make them have special treatment from you; they have the usual care, and attention needs that any other cat does possess. To prevent your cat from having hairballs and hair matting, regular brushing of hair is the key.
Your life would be easier if you make regular brushing a practice as in this way you will be able to save your time and energy to comb the matted hair of your cat or taking her to the professional groomer to solve the problem. Regular brushing keeps the coat shiny and full of luster.

In addition to regular brushing, trim the nails regularly. To help the Tuxedo’s work, their natural impulses provide them a scratching post. Holistically brush your cat’s teeth.
This is a task that most people avoid doing as pet owners, but you need to place it at the top of the to-do list. It will help your cat prevent diseases of gums and periodontal diseases. Remember, don’t use the toothpaste used for humans; only use specially manufactured cat toothpaste and brushes.
Where Can You Buy or Adopt A Tuxedo Cat?
It is not at all difficult to find a tuxedo cat. Tuxedos though unique in their beauty, but are by no means rare. You can find tuxedos easily at your local animal shelter.
Tuxedos are commonly found around the globe. Both British and American shelters have plenty of them ready for adoption.

The price varies depending on the breed of a tuxedo cat. The Norwegian forest cat costs $600-$3000, the Himalayan cat $500-$1300, and Maine Coon $600-$1500, all of these are tuxedos, and the variation is due to the breed difference.
Tuxedo Cat Summary
Tuxedos have been famous cats for decades, and it looks like they will stay here for many coming decades. While these beautiful cats are available at many shelters, adopting one would be a great act of kindness. So, what are you waiting for? Have one and have fun.