Labradoodles are such energetic animals who share their enthusiasm for life with whoever’s around them. As a dog owner, it’s now up to you to give your Labradoodle the best care possible.
This includes teaching your Labradoodle all the things needed to develop your dog’s intelligence and make both of your lives easier.
Providing your Labradoodle with the right dog training will make establishing a relationship, giving dog commands, and potty training a lot easier for you.
Why You Should Potty Train Your Labradoodle
More than likely, your Labradoodle puppy has been running around sniffing this whole new environment, also known as your house.
They’ve just left everything they knew, like their mom, brothers and sisters, and the kennel in which they once called home.
In a big and bright world, they’ll want nothing more but to sniff and run and have a good time. All these new smells activate their senses, and when nature calls, all the puppy instincts tell them to squat and go.
Labradoodles are family dogs and need to live inside where they belong. Potty training your puppy as soon as possible is the best way to instill good habits for living inside as an indoor dog.
If you want a fresh and clean house, potty training should be a top priority on the list. If your Labradoodle leaves their mark on the floor or carpet without you knowing, the chances are that these smells will attract their attention and encourage them to go right in that same spot.
Dogs are natural navigators with an incredible sense of smell, and as many explorers say, X marks the spot. Using an enzymatic cleaner will do the best job at preventing your Labradoodle from associating an undesired spot for pooping or peeing.

Is it Easy to Potty Train a Labradoodle
As an owner, you are the main determiner of how well this potty training process goes. Regardless of the breed, Puppies have nothing to think about other than eating, sleeping, and playing.
Their natural tendency to dive headfirst into anything will make them less likely to realize that there is a special time and place to do their business.
Your job is to determine a training schedule and get them used to a consistent daily routine. Your Labradoodle should eventually learn to make the connection that grass is like a green “go” sign to use the bathroom.
You should consider using an affordable dog training program to help you give your dog all the training that it needs.
With time, you will learn the signals when your puppy has to go to the bathroom. Soon enough, your Doodle will become a house-trained member of the family, and you can feel more comfortable leaving them alone at home.
How Long does it take to House Train a Labradoodle
This all depends on age and the ability to control their bladders. Naturally, a young puppy cannot hold it long, as their young minds lack the mental connections that control the urge to hold it.
Don’t rush your puppy into potty training and expecting them to be able to hold it for five or six hours at a time. Having high expectations naturally sets them up for failure and disappointment.
A general rule of thumb you can use is to assume that your puppy can hold his bladder and bowels for one hour with each month of age.
Depending on how long your dog has been inside your house also changes the amount of time that they can hold it.
The excitement from being in new surroundings and being around so many different smells can create excitement that can cause them to have a little accident.
It’s better safe than sorry to take them out earlier, instead of waiting until the last minute. If you have also fed them or seen them drinking water, this could be a cue that they will have to go outside within the next 10 to 30 minutes.
Signs and Signals
- Whining
- Sniffing
- Walking in circles
- Heading to a corner
- For older puppies, possible barking or heading to the door
Following a step-by-step qualified dog training program is one of the best ways to train your dog efficiently and save yourself some time.

Tips and Tricks for Training Success
Training is all about presentation and perception.
If you want your Labradoodle to be potty trained as soon as possible, present the idea of answering nature’s call while in nature as the more appealing alternative to indoors. Praise your Doodle after every time takes them outside and see them go to the bathroom.
Just like any social creature, we respond to love and affection. Treats can be good motivators in the beginning steps of training, but avoid giving them too many to avoid any sort of dependence on food. Let praise be a larger indicator of love for your Doodle.
Undoubtedly, an accident in the house may occur but let your puppies’ perception of your reaction be instructive. Gently lead your Doodle to the spot and show it to them. In a gentle but firm tone, let them know that this is a no-no.
Avoid using harsh voices or sharp tones as their young minds aren’t even aware that what they did was wrong. Take them outside afterward to show them where they should be going instead.
Of course, you’ll have to go back and clean up the mess with a good cleaner that removes any of the urine and pheromones from the surface.
Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, and any scents left in the house can cause them to go back again to do their business in the same spot.

Crates and Gates
Some dog owners are believers in using crate training to help make potty training go smoother.
The idea of crate training is that the dog will probably not pee or poop where it sleeps because it creates an association that the crate is a place to be kept clean.
You can try this same method by using baby gates to create a sort of “safe space” in your house that they will want to keep clean. A more enclosed area will reduce the likelihood that you will stumble on a certain surprise later.
Both crates and gates can help you easily monitor your puppy’s behavior. Inside your enclosed area, you can also use pee pads to help with potty training.
This artificial turf can help make things go easier if you find it harder to respond quickly or frequently enough to meet your puppy’s bathroom needs.
Potty Training is a Process
Sometimes there are medical conditions that can prevent your puppy from successfully mastering potty training.
As the new owner, we aren’t always aware when these things happen. All we see is that our puppy can’t seem to get the hang of it.
If nothing seems to work, contact your vet or learn more about how to potty train your dog from a qualified dog trainer. Even reach out to other dog owners and see if they have similar experiences.
Labradoodle Potty Training Summary
Although it can feel like forever, potty training is only a small section of a dog’s life. Keep working on it with kindness and care, and sooner or later, they’ll get the hang of it.
Don’t be afraid to get help if you need it. A dog training program that helps you with dog training essentials in a force-free way, provides tools, and support groups is a great place to start.